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About Us

The Hadron Group, Inc. is the creator of Brain PathWays™.  For the past 17 years, The Hadron Group, Inc has developed and delivered brain-based human development products and programs for business and education. Deanna Phelps and Stephen Hager, creators of Brain PathWays™, BRAIN MODE® power and Learning Keys™ are committed to helping others reach their fullest potential in their career, personal, college and family pathways.

The Hadron Group Inc. has worked tirelessly to ensure that their products are statistically valid, reliable and practical so that people can experience a significant positive change in their lives. The Hadron Group, Inc. has worked with thousands of people around the globe, achieving powerful life changing results and improved business practices.

Deanna Phelps has over 30 years experience in neuroscience, including working with adults and children with brain damage and neurological disorders. She also has extensive educational background and expertise in neurology, psychology, Speech Pathology, Accelerated Learning, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Business. Deanna is an author, public speaker and seminar facilitator.

Stephen Hager has over 40 years experience in scientific research, product and people development. He has worked with over 100 international clients as a business consultant and organizational development specialist. Stephen is an executive coach, author, public speaker and seminar facilitator.

Do You Know How Your Brain is Wired?

 You Can Find Out Now and Begin the
Journey to Greater Life Success.

brain pathways
Brain Pathways, Career Pathways
"We have a passion for helping people use their
brain potential in positive, life enriching ways."

Brain Pathways, Career Pathways
"We have a passion for helping people use their
brain potential in positive, life enriching ways."

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